

1.Product Information :

Product Name

Bilberry Extract

Product source

Rhododendron family plant European bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) is processed by processes such as extraction, filtration, concentration, and drying.

Physical and chemical properties

Purple powder

Main ingredients

Anthocyanins, flavonoids, polyphenols, polysaccharides


Has the characteristic taste and smell of raw materials.

Functional description

It can protect eyesight, anti-oxidation, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, maintain urinary health, and protect the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular system.


Anthocyanins 10%(UV)

Executive standard


 Storage method / shelf life

Store in a cool, dark and dry place after sealing/12 months.

2.Introduction of raw materials:

Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) Rhododendron, native to North America, is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere from the Arctic to the tropical high mountains. Bilberry likes to grow in the acidic soil rich in organic matter and moist, like light. Wild bilberries are extremely resistant to cold and can withstand extreme low temperatures of -50°C. The fruit is nearly round, 0.5-2cm in diameter, blue-black or deep red. Bilberry contains anthocyanins, pectin, tannins, arbutin, vitamin C and B vitamins. It is recommended by the World Food and Agriculture Organization as one of the five healthy fruits and has the reputation of "King of Berries". It has the effects of protecting eyesight, preventing blindness, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal hemorrhage, improving myopia, macular degeneration, diabetic omentum, retinitis pigmentosa and night blindness. Other effects: Strengthen cerebral blood vessels, prevent cerebrovascular diseases, strengthen myocardial blood vessels, strengthen coronary arteries, strengthen renal blood vessels, prevent hematuria, urethritis and cystitis caused by rupture of glomerular capillaries. Strengthen venous blood vessels, prevent varicose veins, and prevent ulcers. Prevent arteriosclerosis; prevent thrombosis.

3.Product appearance and application cases:
